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 4 Music Styles|4 Week Course

Music Style Camp

​Rock Music Camp


It is suitable for beginners/intermediate people who are interested in participating. From scratch, let the students understand the density and depth of music, focus on inspiration, and help everyone open a few windows in the country of music. It is a one-week camp with intensive information and high-pressure learning. , entertaining.

​授課課表 curriculum

WhatsApp Image 2019-07-17 at

大小調音階、和旋、各式lick、 rhythm 練習、讀譜及調tone 從基礎到進階的小小班指導。

Major and minor scales, chords, various licks, rhythm exercises, reading notation and tone from basic to advanced small class guidance.

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各種樂風中的手法、樂理、句型及1-2 首風格名曲操作練習。


Techniques, music theory, sentence patterns and 1-2 famous songs in various music styles are practiced. And hardware learning about the sound "tone" made by an instrument!

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Live Performance workshop


Professional musicians guide the student orchestra to perform orchestra ensemble practice, and put the theory and skills learned into practice.

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Excellent music history and style appreciation, music theory lessons and rhythm, music marketing management and other topics. There is also a dedicated Q&A time, so that students can not only hear the sharing and lessons, but also ask questions and discuss in the music and music industry.

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授課師資 Teachers

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